Pakistan Young Innovative Minds’ Society

Growing Minds, Building Future, Reaching Outwards

President Pakistan Young Innovative Minds' Society, Prof. Dr. Farida Tahir with Ferenc Krausz 2023 Noble Prize winner 🏆 of Physics during 37th International Young Physicists' Tournament

Ferenc Krausz 2023 Noble Prize winner

Clicks form IYPT 2024 Hungary:

PYIMS is thankful to our proud partners and our honourable sponsor Allied Bank of Pakistan for taking up this noble cause and sharing the passion that we mutually have for the Science and Scientific Minds.

Name of Students Representing Pakistan in IYPT 2024 are:

  •  Mr. Awab ur Rahman
  •  Ms. Bisma Ali
  •  Mr. Hafi Shaheer Khan
  •  Mr. Murtaza Ali
  •  Ms. Noor ul Huda




The venue for PYPT'24 was UOL (The University of Lahore). The National Tournament was held on 2nd & 3rd March 2024.


In adherence to the regulations outlined by the Pakistan Young Innovative Minds’ Society (PYIMS), this document serves as an official notice for participants engaging in PTYM 2024

1st International Young Biologists’ Tournament Problems 2024



PYIMS is excited to present an outstanding opportunity for high school students to unleash their passion for science, mathematics, and music on a global platform. We invite students to participate in the BUCA IMSEF Competition 2023. BUCA IMSEF, short for Buca International Music Science Energy Engineering Fair, stands as a prestigious international competition aimed at igniting scientific curiosity and promoting cultural exchange among students. Scheduled to take place in Izmir-Buca, Turkey, from November 20th to 25th, 2023, this competition offers high school students a chance to shine through research projects and piano performances.
In scientific categories such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Energy Engineering, and Mathematics-Computer, students will exhibit their research project, submit the report, and present their findings. Meanwhile, in the Music-Piano category, participants will perform piano pieces, with awards granted for outstanding performances.
By joining this competition, students will not only represent Pakistan on the global stage but also make new friends from diverse backgrounds, gain valuable cultural insights, and earn awards and recognition for their remarkable achievements. PYIMS is currently accepting student registrations for this competition, and the registration deadline is set for October 2, 2023. Don’t miss out on this chance to shine with PYIMS. Register today for BUCA IMSEF 2023!


Team Pakistan White brought home bronze medal along with Third position diploma’s from IYNT 2023 held in Bobek Almaty under the leadership of Ifrah Ali and Raja Neehaat Ali Hussain khan

Zeest Fatima , Noor Fatima Quddusi, Haziq Sheerazi, Ayan bin rafaih, ifrah Ali,Raja Neehaat Ali Hussain khan,shyan moshin ,Ahmed Sultan left to right

The venue for PYPT'24 is UOL (The University of Lahore). The National Tournament will be held on 24-25 February 2024.

1: Hussain Bin Usman
2: Qasim Hasnain Kazmi
3: Muhammad Kamal Mustafa Baig
4: Shirjeel Ahmad

These students participated in 1st Pakistan Chemistry Tournament and were selected for Team Pakistan to represent Pakistan in International Chemistry Tournament.

Pakistan Chemistry Tournament (PCT)

Pakistan Young Medicos Tournament (PYMT)

Pakistan Young Performing Arts Tournament (PYPAT)

Physics Tournaments

Pakistan Young Physicsist Tournament

The premier platform for young physicists in Pakistan to showcase their skills and compete with peers from around the world. PYPT is a signature initiative of Pakistan Young Innovative Minds, aimed at promoting scientific excellence and nurturing the next generation of physicists.


The International Young Physicists’ Tournament (IYPT), sometimes referred to as the “Physics World Cup”, is a scientific competition between teams of secondary school students. It mimics, as close as possible, the real-world scientific research and the process of presenting and defending the results obtained.



Get ready for the ultimate biology showdown – Pakistan Young Innovative Minds is proud to launch the International Young Biologists’ Tournament (IYBT) to the world! Join us as we bring together the brightest young minds from around the world to compete, collaborate, and showcase their skills in the vital field of biology. Hang tight for this new movement in the making!

Pakistan Tournament for Young Mathematician

PTYM is a team competition for high school students from all over Pakistan. Each team should consist of 4 to 6 students, guided and accompanied by one or two adult team leaders.

The sole purpose is to stimulate interest in mathematics and its applications, to develop scientific thinking, communication skills and teamwork. 

Pakistan Young Innovative Minds’ Society is the Member of Model United Nations Alliance the International Project of World Council for Youth and Diplomacy


News & Blogs

PYPT Registrations

Organization Timeline

The Subscription for all tournaments is non-refundable.

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Join the Movement: Be a Catalyst of Change through Volunteering with PYIMS!

Our Sponsors and Partners

Comsats University Islamabad

University of Peshawar

Lahore University of Management Sciences

Zeta Technologies

Australian Institute of Physics

The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

University of Sargodha

Medical Students Organization

1: Hussain Bin Usman
2: Qasim Hasnain Kazmi
3: Muhammad Kamal Mustafa Baig
4: Shirjeel Ahmad

These students participated in 1st Pakistan Chemistry Tournament and were selected for Team Pakistan to represent Pakistan in International Chemistry Tournament.

1: Hussain Bin Usman
2: Qasim Hasnain Kazmi
3: Muhammad Kamal Mustafa Baig
4: Shirjeel Ahmad

These students participated in 1st Pakistan Chemistry Tournament and were selected for Team Pakistan to represent Pakistan in International Chemistry Tournament.

1: Hussain Bin Usman
2: Qasim Hasnain Kazmi
3: Muhammad Kamal Mustafa Baig
4: Shirjeel Ahmad

These students participated in 1st Pakistan Chemistry Tournament and were selected for Team Pakistan to represent Pakistan in International Chemistry Tournament.

Pakistan Young Innovative Minds



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